7% sales. An 8-week-old dog weighs around 8 pounds. This size is also called the Maxi Cockapoo and uses the Standard Poodle in the mix. That’s especially true for. Description. Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Medium Puppy Dry Dog Food. Cocker Spaniel photo@Dogs –. According to the Association of British Insurers, the average claim for pet insurance is £822. Miniature Poodle . It looks something like a Cocker Spaniel with a Poodle coat. Keep in mind that the first-generation dogs. The Cavapoo have a similar price range of $1000 (£855) to $2000 (£1700) but like the Cockapoo, the price can range from. Already, that is a good sign for any cockapoo parents. Overall, though, both of these breeds are incredibly gentle, funny, sweet, and affectionate. Product Description . Several internal and external factors affect the price of this breed. If you trim to far you’ll catch the vascular quick, which will hurt the dog and bleed profusely. This is largely. The dogs have been popular since the ’50s. They look more like poodles than spaniels: Dogs that result from such crossings have a “b” designator added to their “F” number – So a first-generation or F1 Cockapoo bred with either a poodle or a cocker spaniel will be an F1b, and a second-generation or F2 Cockapoo bred with either a poodle or a cocker spaniel will be an F2b. The Cocker Spaniel is also intelligent and trusting dog breed. The Cockapoo is a mixed breed- or hybrid dog that has become very popular in recent years. The cost of a Cockapoo puppy ranges from $800 to $2,500. However, a miniature cockapoo, which is bred using a miniature poodle, is slightly smaller with a height range of 11 to 15 inches. Therefore, and unified, approved standard norms do not exist. Coat length & texture – Long, curly, non-shedding hair that must be groomed regularly. This is a progeny of two pure breeds namely Cocker Spaniel (American or English) and Poodle (Miniature poodle or toy poodle). The standard Cockapoo is the most unpredictable in terms of size and weight, however most will grow to be around 20 pounds in weight and 16 inches in size. Their lifespan can greatly vary depending upon genetics, health conditions, lifestyle, diet etc. Parents on site. The Cockapoo is not a purebred dog. Cockapoos are highly intelligent retaining most of it from the Poodle and the sturdiness from the Cocker. Healthy hybrid Doodles enjoy lovely long lifespans. studio, Shutterstock. They are medium in size and muscular, lean dogs looking a lot like the Weimaraner. 7kg) or less, making them a very small dog breed. Size And Weight. They are highly intelligent, easy to train and also typically inherit the poodle's enthusiasm and tendency to be little jokers. However, a miniature cockapoo, which is bred using a miniature poodle, is slightly smaller with a height range of 11 to 15 inches. An 8-week-old dog weighs around 8 pounds. Su rasgo distintivo es una gran inteligencia y su gran capacidad de adaptación. 5% Cocker Spaniel. For instance, if your Mini Cockapoo is a 50-50 mix of the Poodle and Cocker Spaniel, they may come with a shedding undercoat. ; En cuanto al peso,. With this lavish color description to work from, it is easy to see how some of the best Cockapoo. 5. Pending Adoption. Cockapoos are designer dogs that were first bred between the 1950s and 1960s from Cocker Spaniels and Poodles. Ils sont sociables, extrêmement affectueux, apprécient la compagnie et l’attention, intelligents et actifs. Because Cockapoos are a cross-breed they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes with some dogs leaning towards the Cocker Spaniel whereas other inherit more Poodle traits whether it’s their physical. Cockapoo. The Cockapoo is part Cocker Spaniel and part Poodle. Phone Number: 077-1593-4305. Esto significa que el. It is most often bred to a Toy Poodle or a Miniature Poodle. F2b – Either a Cocker Spaniel or Poodle bred together with an F2 Cockapoo or an F1b Cockapoo and an F1 Cockapoo. Cockapoos are very intelligent. The Teacup Toy is less than 6Ib (3kg) in weight and less than 10’’ (25cm) in height. The more Cockapoo generations involved – the more predictable tge size of dog. In this article, we’ll give you all the essential facts and history of the red Cockapoo. If your Cockapoo’s breath fits this description, it could be that they just need a good tooth-brushing. These Cockapoos can vary in size, coat type, and color depending on the dominant parent. They are also a fit for first time dog owners as they are easy to handle. Telephone: 678-624-0444. Cockapoo owners can opt for crate training, hire a dog sitter, or enroll them in dog daycare. Description. SUBS-431848. The Cockapoo is super-energetic and requires two 45-minute walks a day, adjust the duration to suit their personality (just remember to limit her exercise when your Cockapoo is a puppy): 8 weeks old – 10-minute walks twice a day. Both Shih Tzu and Cockapoo has almost same litter size. FAQs About Cockapoo Grooming. King Charles Spaniel . Those pups with a smoother. Much of the time, breeders and pet stores will charge between $900 and $2,500 for the puppy, depending on various factors. As you can see, the Cockapoo is a lightweight breed. Size of the Cockapoo parents are the biggest factor that influences the number of puppies a Cockapoo will have. Cockapoos are highly intelligent retaining most of it from the Poodle and the sturdiness from the Cocker. White Cockapoos are one of the most common and popular colors of this designer breed. Budući da je ovo hibridna pasmina, ne postoji standard pasmine, a time ni ujednačen izgled. This is the most effective and easiest way to prevent matting!Cockapoo is an adorable small dog with a personality of a big clown. So, f1 Cockapoo puppies have one purebred Cocker Spaniel parent and one purebred Poodle parent. The Miniature Cockapoo weighs 13-18Ib (5. Cockapoos tend to have relatively higher energy compared to a Cavapoo. The “b” in F1b stands for backcross, meaning that one of the parents is a purebred Poodle. Although you’re not likely to find any serious health problems with the Cockapoo, it is wise to know that there are many common dog illnesses that attack any dog, including the Cockapoo. 2 sizes attached 294 x 194 x 284 mm 127 x 132 x 116 mm or resize to your preference. Whether you have a cream, brown, red, black, or silver Cockapoo, these cute girl Cockapoo names might be just what you’ve been looking for: Hazel. However, there are some coat colors that are rarer than others and can cost more. Image Credit: Brian Lasenby, Shutterstock. Maxi: 20-65 lbs. Temperament: Fun-loving clown that’s extremely affectionate and friendly. Loving and loyal to their families, they are often equally at ease around strangers. Here is everything you need to know about the Cockapoo breed including appearance, behavior, grooming needs, required training and exercise, and medical concerns. From Poodles, Cockapoo breeders hoped to bring its curly, hypo-allergenic, and low-maintenance coat. If your dog reaches the age of 8 months. Cockapoos generally live for 12-15 years on average. 5cm) in height. F1 Cockapoo puppies are the least predictable in terms of looks and appearance, compared to later generation. Brief Description. The 4 Tips To Training A Cockapoo. These F2b Cockapoos are 25% Cocker Spaniel and 75% Poodle. 4. A Cockapoo’s personality will always come from two, dictating sources – one being the dog’s genetics and the other being their upbringing. They know when you need comforting. Now, clip the nails within 2 to 4 millimetres (0. How big a Cockapoo is full grown depends on the size of Poodle the Cocker Spaniel was crossed with. Blanca. Cockapoo Deodorizing Tip #3: Tooth-Brushing Time. This type of dog enjoys being around its owners, and its intelligence makes it effortless to train. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross. The first Cockapoo appeared during the 1960s, which is earlier than most designer dogs. The Cockapoo is a mixed breed- or hybrid dog that has become very popular in recent years. They value their puppies and strive to ensure. compare height, weight, life span, litter size and more. Cockapoo Dogs 101: Everything You Need To Know - Is It the. The average weight of a Cockapoo is between 15 and 30 pounds. Cockapoo puppies will inherit physical and behavioral traits from their well-known parent breeds, the Cocker Spaniel (usually the American Cocker Spaniel is used, but sometimes the English Cocker Spaniel may be one of the parents) and the Poodle. It is also quite a fantastic option for your Cockapoo puppy due to its beneficial nutritional properties. A Cockapoo is a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. Crate Training is Highly Recommended. Cockapoo puppies carrying this gene are often born blind, deaf, or with no eyes. YorkiePoo . This Cockapoo haircut is typically done with scissors and is suitable for colder months. The Cockapoo is generally a healthy, good tempered, mix-breed dog and with good care he can live to be anything from 13 – 15 years. The Cockapoo is generally a healthy, good tempered, mix-breed dog and with good care he can live to be anything from 13 – 15 years of age and even older. You can likely tell when your normally loving Cockapoo starts showing signs of aggressive behavior. The trachea is made of rings of cartilage, but when it collapses, tracheal rings collapse and airflow is jeopardized. The average cockapoo reaches 10 to 16 inches in height, but the average goldendoodle reaches 12 to 24 inches in height. Teddy Bear Haircut. Sweet and cuddly, highly affectionate, friendly, and cheerful, Cockapoo puppies are cute little joy bringers who most of all love to love. Comparison between Cockapoo Dog and Airedale Terrier Dog. Description of the Cockapoo with details of height, weight, diet and grooming. Description. If your puppy is a typical cockapoo, he should weigh roughly 16 pounds at 7 months old and around 17 pounds at 9 months old. 5cm and 38. The Cockapoo is an older dog breed than the Labradoodle, though both are recent hybrid breeds. Lifespan: 13 – 15 years. They can suffer from separation anxiety. This is because they offer many of the best personality traits and characteristics of their parent breeds, the poodle and the English cocker spaniel. Height The Cockapoo is a cross between a Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel. Comparison between Cockapoo Dog and Beagle Dog. The B stands for “Backcross,” meaning that the dog’s parents are an F1 Cockapoo or a purebred Poodle or Cocker Spaniel. Cockapoo Hair Styles. If it is a Toy, you get a Toy Cockapoo; if it is a Miniature, it is simply a Cockapoo or a Mini. It all depends on the size of the Cockapoo’s parents. Toy Poodle . Males are significantly heavier than females with an average weight of 2 kg (4. The Cockapoo is generally a healthy, good tempered, mix-breed dog and with good care he can live to be anything from 13 – 15 years of age and. Here is everything you need to know about the Cockapoo breed including appearance, behavior, grooming needs, required training and exercise, and medical concerns. Here are some examples for the description: Wednesday is a black, female, sweet French Bulldog with brown eyes and white fur on her chest. The Cockapoo is a mixed breed of Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. This is a licensed breeder of Cockapoo puppies. Cockapoos are Friendly to Everyone. Breed group – Cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. Cockapoo insurance. Additionally, they draw from the Poodle’s innate intelligence and demeanor. While both of these breeds have toy, small, and standard sizes, the cockapoo is often smaller than the goldendoodle. One of the most important. The kākāpō is a large, rotund parrot. Some breeders stick with the original basic Cocker/Poodle mix, while others seek to make the breed more a hybrid with multi-generational crosses. If you want a unique color, you might want to get a Cockapoo with more than two colors, like the roan or parti! Description. See more ideas about cockapoo, cockapoo dog, dog garden flags. 10. Unfortunately, the cockapoo is still not recognized by the international canine communities. While the Cocker Spaniel isn’t known to bark, the Poodle can be quite vocal when it’s feeling strong emotions, like anxiety, excitement, and aggression. It’s very easy to groom & easy to maintain. Clip your cockapoo's nails within 2 to 4 mm (0. Shih Tzu . F1 Cockapoo puppies are the least predictable in terms of looks and appearance, compared to later. F1b Cockapoos are highly sought after for their. Cockapoo vs English Bulldog. Efforts are currently underway to get the Cockapoo recognized as a standalone breed. The Cockapoo life expectancy is very variable, depending on health, food intake, exercise, etc. Generally, Cockapoos are extremely friendly, easily trained, energetic dogs whose curly coats, low-shedding coats are particularly good for allergy sufferers. Not only are Cockapoos cute as a button with their soft, curly coats and soulful eyes, but they’re also intelligent. Breed overview. The smaller versions are about a foot tall and the larger versions can grow up to 3 inches all. When a Standard Poodle is used in breeding, the puppies are often referred to as Maxi Cockapoos or Standard Cockapoos. We do allow onsite visits by appointment. Son canes de gran longevidad, pues su esperanza de vida media oscila. SUBS-381557Breeders and Pet Shops: $900 — $2500. Inconspicuous canopy-dwelling species that is usually located by call, a distinctive “pre-ty, geor-gio”. The Cockapoo is an adorable designer breed with affection, intelligence, and a sweet nature inherited from the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. Most however have carried on the facial features of the Havanese. Size And Weight. The numbers beside the F continue more or less indefinitely, so you. Moreover, the Toy will weigh between one and two pounds at eight weeks old. Cockapoo lifespan is around 12 years. Origin & History. The 5 main differences between a Havapoo and a Cockapoo. Description. Cockapoo . Height – 10 to 15 inches. The Cockapoo is a mixed breed- or hybrid dog that has become very popular in recent years. Utilize the ballpoint or dull finish scissors to cut the hair around your Cockapoo’s eyes. e. It is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. We are thought to have originated sometime in the 1950s in the USA – perhaps as the result of an accidental union between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. The Cockapoo has been bred since at least the 1950s as an ideal companion pet and family dog. Poodles are light-shedding dogs and are thought to be hypo-allergenic. He is a small dog, but robust, and stands between 25 – 38cm in height and weighs between 5 and. As mentioned in the introduction, we don’t have a lot on record for the oldest Cockapoo. The same can be said for a cockapoo priced much higher than $3,000. Low. White Shade. The Standard Schnauzer stands at between 43 to 51cm and weighs between 14 and 20kg. There are also different patterns like merle, parti, phantom and tri-color. Height at the withers: Males 25 - 38 cm Females 25 - 38 cm. Cockapoo Dog Breed Facts & Information. 1. If you’re housetraining, it means taking your puppy out every thirty minutes to try to relieve itself in the same area of your yard. Maxi or Standard Cockapoos. 3 lb) for females. Allot 8 to 10 minutes for this step. Often an F2 Cockapoo will end up with many traits similar to the Cocker Spaniel, like having a flat coat. Then, just like a hairdresser, pull up the hair between your fingers in one hand, a snip using the other. Though white is considered a solid color, the Cocker Spaniel’s genetics can contribute to some hints of. GROOMING STYLES. Even the cheapest bred cockapoo will be over $1,000. 079 to 0. February 12, 2023. The breed comes in many different heights and weights. They rehabilitate and train all their rescue Cockapoos before adopting them out to their forever home. They are small dogs, commonly known as Cock-a-poo or Cockerpoodle. 9cm) tall at the shoulder and weighs between 25 and 40 pounds (11. 6cm to 55. Los cockapoo son perros de tamaño mediano, pues aunque existe gran variabilidad entre unos ejemplares y otro, la media de peso corporal es de entre 5 y 10 kilogramos, siendo su altura habitual de entre 25 y 40 centímetros. This dog loves mental stimulation and will do very well with training and obedience. Suitable for: Families, children, apartments, and large homes. Washing your dog’s bedding and any fabric toys in a pet-safe detergent will significantly reduce any odors that may stay in your home. Cockapoo Size and Growth Chart. Fortunately for owners, Cockapoos have a higher than average lifespan, with the average life expectancy of dogs between 10 and 13 years. Tight curly coats, loose wavy coats, and straighter coats are all possible with F1 Cockapoos. The Maltipoo’s coat may also require a bit more daily grooming than the Cockapoo, so you’ll need to consider the time you’re able to devote to that. Dogs & Puppies Mixed Breed Dogs Female Cockapoo puppies. Highly energetic, zest for life, excitable are better terms to frame the typical temperament of a Cockapoo. The average cockapoo is both a loyal and very loving family pet. Cockapoo requires Moderate maintenance. , Merle and phantom could be priced anywhere between $2000-$3200. puppy. Miniature Cockapoo – 11 to 14 inches tall and weigh 13 to 18 pounds. A non refundable deposit of $400, which goes towards the purchase price, will reserve a puppy. November 2023-Views 5; $500 (Negotiable) Description; Location Map; Share; Favourite; ReportEmail:jfpalacios085@gmail. 4 - 10. F1b: The offspring of an F1 Cockapoo and a purebred Poodle. It’s clear from looking at the two breeds that make up the Cockapoo that this is an active dog who needs a lot of exercise and input (often more than many new owners expect) — and needs to be a part of the Tri-coloured cockapoos, as their name suggests, have fur that is three different colours white, tan and brown or black. Les éducateurs soulignent leur ténacité, caractéristique qui se. This will be a pro for the right person but be forewarned that the Cockapoo is a highly energetic dog. This is a medium-sized dog with males and females growing to an average height of 16 inches at the withers. Get an F3 Cockapoo if you want a Doodle that REALLY looks like a Doodle, you want to be sure of temperament, and you are after a particular size, color, or pattern of dog. There are several Cockapoo colors, but Black is. Recognition. Coat color – Colors include black, blue, chocolate, cream, and red. Cut back a little at a time until you get close to the pink part. 1. Cockapoos aren’t naturally smelly. The Cocker Spaniel-Poodle mix was bred specifically as a robust and low-shedding dog. Description. The Cockapoo is generally a healthy, good tempered, mix-breed dog and with good care he can live to be anything from 13 – 15 years of age and. The Miniature Poodle stands 10 to 15 inches tall and weighs 12 to 15 pounds. They are known for their friendly and playful personalities, making them great family dogs. 8/5 - (21 votos) Muy similar, y de la familia de los híbridos como los Schnodle, el perro Cockapoo es resultado del cruce entre un Caniche y un Cocker Spaniel. They know when you need comforting. Fact Checked. With good care the lifespan of the Miniature Poodle is 14 – 16 years of age. Both Cockapoo and Poodle has same life span. In general, though, both Cockapoos and Aussiedoodles will have a medium length wavy coat. The Cockapoo is a healthy breed that can live well north of 15+ years if properly cared for. The sizes below are indicative of the common descriptions: Toy ~ 10″ (38 cm), 13 lbs (6 kg) Miniature ~ 12″ (30 cm), 18 lbs (8 kg)Toy and Petite Cockapoo puppies for sale & F1b Cockapoo puppies for sale with nation-wide delivery. Bob T 22037 Bonded With: Marley T 22038. Puppies are born and raised in our home and raised with amazing interaction with our kids and grandkids. Brushing serves a few different purposes for Cockapoos. A non refundable deposit of $400, which goes towards the purchase price, will reserve a puppy. This is a medium-sized dog with males and females growing to an average height of 16 inches at the withers. It is a cross between the. The downside of this is that they just love to be around their owners – like really love to be around you. Some are now being bred with miniature poodles instead. The purebred parents of these designer dogs pass on to them a host of fantastic traits, including a low shedding coat, impressive intelligence, as well as a sweet and loving temperament. Colors: Black, cream, apricot, red, white, and chocolate. The weight range can vary from about 5 to 40 pounds. At the higher end of that scale, a litter of eight or more puppies would be considered large. The Cockapoo is not a purebred dog. This generation is very difficult to predict with accuracy. The Cockapoo is usually a friendly and confident little dog. Pending Adoption. This saves you a lot time from having to calculate the genetic makeup of a dog. Cockapoos are friendly and affectionate little comedians with a sweet temperament and a zest for life. 77. Caractère et comportement. In other words, the. See moreThe Cockapoo is a cross between a Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel. Image Credit: shaymen99, Pixabay Since the Cockapoo is the offspring of the world’s second smartest dog Poodle, these pups are well-known for their high levels of intelligence. Cockapoos can also be quite energetic, especially at a young age. The appearance of the cockapoo may vary from the above description as the appearance. Maxi Cockapoo; Mini Cockapoo; Miniature Cockapoo; Spoodle; Standard Cockapoo; Toy Cockapoo; Description. 5% Poodle and 37. This is largely dependent upon the size of the Poodle parent. Cockapoos are bright-eyed, scruffy-coated puppies with incredible appeal which grow into dogs retaining that puppy-dog charm. Brief Description. They are friendly with everyone they meet and always eager to make a new friend. He is a small dog, but robust, and stands between 25 – 38cm in height and weighs. They are often described as affectionate, sociable, and intelligent dogs that make great family pets. Cockapoos are priced from $700 and go up to $1200 and even higher. High-quality dog food is a must for this breed. 3 lb) for females. If you decide to buy from a breeder, a Cockapoo’s average price is about $1350, as the price range is around $800 to $2000. The key differences between Cavapoos and Cockapoos are parent breed, size, personality, energy, coats, and grooming. e. History. On PuppyFinder. It is an incredibly popular breed, just as it was when the cockapoo was first bred. If a Cockapoo smells due to poor hygiene, lack of grooming, or a medical condition, the scent will linger. The F1 Cockapoo is made when a purebred Cocker Spaniel and a purebred Poodle (toy, miniature, or standard) are bred together. compare height, weight, life span, litter size and more. It is best to start your grooming regime as soon as you get your puppy to get it used to being handles, brushed and trimmed. The cockapoo is an adorable crossbreed between a poodle and a cocker spaniel that dates back to the 1960s. You get the miniature and giant Schnauzer as well as the Standard. compare height, weight, life span, litter size and more. It is known for its jolly disposition and mischievous personality. Additionally, they wanted to draw from the Poodle’s innate. Az új hibrid kutyafajták létrehozásának tendenciája a 20. Cockapoo vs Goldendoodle: Lifespan. Read Also: Cockapoo Size Guide (Teacup, Toy, Miniature &. At the same time, White and. They fit perfectly into the medium-sized dog category, being sturdy, strong, and agile. 9cm) tall, Mini Cockapoo are between 12 and 15 inches (30. Križanjem pudlice i engleskog koker španijela nastaje pasmina Cockapoo (poznat i kao Cockerpoo ili Spoodle). Breed description. The Cockapoo is one of the very first non-purebred “designer breed” dogs, with an origin that dates all the way back to the 1960s. CockapooHQ: Cockapoo Litter Size Short Description: Discover insights into Cockapoo litter size, including what to expect and tips for caring for a litter of Cockapoo puppies. A maxi or standard cockapoo is a medium-sized dog that’s over 16 inches tall. Ultimately there isn’t a one-size-fits-all – excuse the pun!Cockapoo vs Labrador Retriever. Search In this article ATTRIBUTES ABOUT PERSONALITY WHAT TO EXPECT HISTORY Attributes Odorless coat, curly or wavy hair, non-shedding Size Weight Miniature: 12-19 lbs. Cockapoo may weigh 23 kg / 50 pounds lesser than Poodle. Once the litter was born, the designer dog’s popularity grew, and so did the. Their price is similar to another very similar and popular designer breed, the Goldendoodle. Some are very tiny and others are mid-sized; some have curly coats and others have wavy or straight coats. I am available for adoption with my companion Marley. Cockapoos are also relatively. Standard Cockapoo: 15-18 inches in height, 19-30 pounds. 2. Puppies are more frequently available via these means than most others. The Cockapoodledoo Ranch of Southern California. Las razas de perros actuales son producto de un proceso de cría selectiva. Short Description: Explore this comprehensive guide to learn about the typical litter size of Cockapoos and factors that can affect it. So the f1 cockapoo meaning is 2 purebred dogs bred together. This adorable little breed is an active and companion. A Cockapoo breeder producing F1b Cockapoo dogs or F2 Cockapoo dogs will have more information and predictability. They can come in a larger size especially if their parent was one of the. Cockapoo . They have a very friendly, loving, and caring nature. Gorgeous Cockapoo male puppy. Cavapoo (Photo: Adobe Stock) The Cockapoo will usually cost between $900 (£700) to $2,500 (£1900) but the price can vary depending on the breeder and the puppy’s parents. Breed overview. Use the comb to work out any knots or tangles (particularly on the chest, armpits and belly) and the pin brush to gently work down to the skin itself. 3kg). En cuanto a sus características físicas y corporales se ha de tener en cuenta los siguientes tips: . Cockapoo . Cockapoos are highly intelligent retaining most of it from the Poodle and the sturdiness from the Cocker. Phantom Cockapoos have coats with a very specific distribution of colors. Los Angeles, CA or 90210) Cockapoos, a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle, are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, which makes them great for families and anyone who loves a good cuddle. As little as £5 – £10 a month for an accident-only policy, for a microchipped Cockapoo, up to £50 a month to cover large pedigree dogs. [5] 6. Height – 10 to 15 inches. The purebred parents of these designer dogs pass on to them a host of fantastic traits,. Step 2. Highly energetic. Let’s take a look at what the letters. The term “designer breed” originated with the Cockapoo. dog. Cockapoos are well-known for their loving personalities. 4. The best Cockapoo breeders are interested in looking out for the health of their pups well beyond adoption day and Brooklyn Cockapoos fits that description to a T. From my experience with Nelly and meeting other Cockapoos, I’ve learnt that they are very intelligent doggies, like the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. And that is the F1 or the first cross Cockapoo! The F1 Cockapoo is made when a purebred Cocker Spaniel and a purebred Poodle (toy, miniature, or standard) are bred together. These dogs are growing in popularity thanks to their lovely temperaments and often beautiful coats. Toy cockapoos stand 8 to 10 inches tall and weigh between 6 and 12 pounds at maturity.